So, I created this AU, and I wanna make it more official (the game battle is in creation process) and so, I decided to tell some things about it! More especifique, the only Character that exists:
Name: Anti
Age: 28
Height: 5,9 feet or 1,80 m
HP: -99999999
Atk: ???
Defense: 0
Phases: 2 (the normal state and the crashed)
Ok, the story starts long time ago, when a human has fallen into the underground, and of there is that human, there is ofc, a player, that same player did the first 2 routes, neutral and pacifist, but, like all the others, he ended up in a genocide run, getting to kill everything in he path, that player got to the sans fight, and he lost A LOT of times, and end up hacking to pass the fight (a lil cliche but it gets better) sans was defeated, and the run ended, but player decided to see what he/she could do, so another genocide run it was, that happened a lot of times, over and over again, testing, watching, and sans, poor him, not being able to do anything, just watched the player cut him for the 100 time, but, he was done, he filled him self with determination, and refused to die, player, frustrated about the situation, decided to ATACK again, and again, and again, doing Extreme damage, but sans couldn't be killed, even after he's Badu started to turn into dust, he wouldn't let the player continue, the player couldn't do anything, the fight got freezed, sans, not dying, and not passing the turn, player was stuck, so, by using some hacks, she decided to simple delete sans, and, well, the game crashed, the player ended up skipping everyone and getting to the sans part, but something was off...sans was not the same, and so where the dialogues:
"You are in a hurry uh?"
Said sans.
"What? The skeleton got your tongue?"
"Well, I must say, I don't understand either what's going on, but I know what you did and what am I..."
"But, again, I got a question for ya..."
"Did you have fun? Player.."
And the battle starts, sans, was attacking player with random attacks, by means the player couldn't know what to do, it decided to hack, but sans just jumped out of the window and snap he's fingers, deleting the hacking sistem, and looking at player he says:
"Not so fast you dirt hacker, this it's going to be my rules"
The game window expanded and sans said:
"Let's make a deal, of you lose, I will delete you computer, if you win, I give you the best ending possible, how About that?"
The player was shocked but accepted, the battle was long and tuff, but he ended up winning, cutting sans, he falls to the ground, glitching, he looks at you and says:
"Well, you got you go, the best ending..."
And by raising he snaps he fingers
"An ending without you.."
And the pc was deleted...
Sans reseted the game..but, he was the same, with that energy and habilita, no One could remember what happen, but, sans was acting weird, and having some strokes, when papyrus tried to check him, he was terrified, has the sans HP was going negative... everyone was scared, and he was sentence to dead, since he was not suppose to be alive, undyne was the one going to execute him, but paps refused to let that happen, and ended up getting kill as well, after that, undyne use here spear and... everyone freezed, as sans starts glitching aggressively, he's skin was pitch black, her eyes turned green, he was screaming in pain, and undyne trying to kill him, ended up touching him, and got deleted, everyone started fighting, but no one could get close enough, in the end, everyone was dead...sans..or...Anti, got back to normal some hours later, he found himself alone, and , bc no one was coming or going, he broke the game, opening a portal and leaving, now he is somewhere, watching as the other sans act, protecting and being there, correcting things and using he's power to protect everyone...
Gaster blaster
Blue and orange bones
(He can summon some floating cursor or hands)
Copy and paste
Multi universal travel
Drawing in real life
4th wall breaking
And ofc he's second phase:
Body manipulation
Deleting by touch
Bugs and glitchs