Because it is such a major issue here: Creating templates is ILLEGAL and considered spam.
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I know this important announcement is long overdue, but it's important to clarify what's going on in the past week or so.
As you may know, we used to have subcategories for the Monster Species to cover all varieties of monsters; however, some of them were left unused while others were overused. Thus we came to the conclusion that we retire those subcategories as all species from here on out would be either Humans or Monsters. This may come as a shock to those who wanted to specify the species of their characters, especially those who doesn't want theirs to be labeled as either monsters nor humans. However, there are several reasons behind that simple yet inaccurate decision.
While Non-Monsters entities does exist in Undertale (namely Flowey), the definition of Monsterkind where often ignored in several AUs (especially the explicit AUs, like Undertail). And since the definition of Humans were a no brainer, we decided to specify all Non-Human entities as Monsters. And while Human and Non-Humans are more accurate than what we got here, it kinda deviate from one of the core themes of Undertale: the relationship between Monsters and Humans.
We would like to apologize for the inconvenience that this will cause in future entries. If you have any suggestions or questions about this issue, feel free to reply on the comment below.
Just Updated
Role Playing of any kind are banned from the comment sections of the articles. If you want to role play, either do it one the Message Wall, the community Discord, or right here in Discussions.
An overhaul of this wiki is soon to come. This overhaul will include things like a Template OC Page, and the basic rules of this wiki. Thank you for following the Undertale OC Wiki.