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Undertale OC Wiki
Undertale OC Wiki
Asgore Dreemurr
* Golly, this sure is terrible

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Error!Chara is an Out!Code created by Chaos Le Mieux. They are a Chara from an unknown AU who somehow became an Error. They believe that most anomalies are caused by both the creators and players pitting the Charas and Sans against each other. They are now gathering said Sans and Charas from across the Multiverse to combat said problem.


Their past is so mysterious that even they don't know where they came from or how their code got corrupted in the first place; the only hints to their past are the scars scattered across their body. Thus, they often come up with false backstories when they've been pressed to reveal their past.

  • Fake backstory #1: After a greedy corporate deal with Mettaton and Muffet involving a lot of chocolate, they were attacked by Undyne and fell into the core and underwent a metamorphosis.



Only things consistent is their dark blue skin, cyan hair, red cheeks, a silver locket tucked underneath their outfit, Black floaty “Error” messages that hover around them.. and their eyes?

They change their clothing regularly, hence why there’s no more rips and tears. Various types of shirts are usually bright red with a thick magenta stripe through the torso. Shorts, pants, etc, are typically orange. Socks are usually magenta. And shoes are black and Red with Orange laces.

Travelling through the void for extended periods of time will cause wear and tear, so a fresh look is a sign that they have somewhere to chill after a days work. A lack of confidence or nervousness will cause them to destabilize which is visually indicated by coloured bars or squares coming off their body.


Despite their childish and unnerving appearance, they are more kind hearted than one may believe. They're fully aware of the real world, and view both Creators and Players to be the true anomalies of the Multiverse. They're very secretive about their past, and they often make up backstories when they were pressured to reveal the truth.


They’re more inexperienced with their abilities in comparison to other errors.

  • Void Rift: Opens a rift to pass though dimensional intersections. ie; Entering The Void, the Anti-Void, Void Pockets and Sub Dimensions. Entering AUs have special conditions and self-imposed rules that’ll be explained later.
  • Lines of Code, or “Strings”: Similar to Errors Sans, but orange. They don’t understand code as well as Sans does, so they mostly use the strings for play, and have no idea of the extent of their power.
  • Save Point: Places a Marker that acts like a beacon so they know how to find their way back. Think of it as saving a set of coordinates, so they don’t get lost.
  • Knife Summon: Chara wouldn’t be complete without knives~ Though this Chara has taken the liberty of naming the knives they’ve… appropriated. each knife is powered by both a normal soul trait and an inverted soul trait
    • The Determined Real Knife of Violence
      • they hold this knife most dear to themselves
      • they use this knife when wanting to end fights quickly
    • The Brave Killer Knife of Dread
      • Trading off power for speed, this is more of a priority attack style weapon.
    • The Justified Epic Knife of Torment
    • The Kind Negative Knife of Malice
    • The Patient Horror Knife of Angst
    • The Integral Shift Knife of Deception
    • The Persevered X Knife of Despair
    • An unnamed 8th knife





Chara believes that CORE is a coward, selfish, and does not care for consequences for their actions as despite taking refugees into the omega timelines, they have very little to prevent from collapsing in on themselves or form being destroyed by external forces.


  • They get all their chocolate from the worlds they erase

