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"True heroism comes from the heart, not by action, in this case, I'm not heroic."
– The Masked Heroine, defining heroism
Silena Emiline, or as she introduces herself as The Masked Heroine, is an Human Out!Code protector created by Darksirrolottoe. She's an extraordinarily skilled female warrior, who travels through one Au to another, to protect them as best as she can do, from harm or destruction's way. She's capable of fighting a God/Goddess with nothing more but a sword, for it's special in many ways. She can also preform high tier magic with little effort, though prefers to fight with her sword instead.
Silena Emiline comes from an Au, the name of the Au if unknown, as she refuses to say it's name, but describes it as being a dark and constantly miserable Au, that had no signs of hope, nor happiness.
These are her words as she describe her Au, and some of her backstory.
"My Au was not a good place, there were no signs of good or hope, everyday was just another grim hell of a day to go through, no one was happy, neither were they kind, everyone was harsh, cruel, and just out rightly evil."
"I never really knew my parents too well, they died when I was young, when attempting to protecting me from the harsh people, when I done something so minor, that cause so many people to get so mad at me, after that fateful day, I learned three things to early in life, first was, I could never truly trust anyone, no matter, what, second was that, because of my action, my family died, due to me, and the last was that, I would have to now raise myself up, if I wanted to survive, if I wanted to live alongside the savages that murdered my parents. I will never forget that day, and my realizations."
"Life as a urchin was miserable, constant worry of what might happen to me, constantly fearing everyone around me, and being unable to trust or depend on anyone, but then I met him. . ."
After that she refused talk.
Silena commonly wears a mask that covers half of her face, the mask resembles a silver eagle facing downwards, with it's wings fully spread out, that is obviously met to hide her face from being viewed completely. Her cream colored shirt resembles that of the medieval ages, which has a belt wrapped around her, being a bit above her hip, where her sheath for her sword is.
She has shoulder plates, greaves, chest plate, and vambraces, all of which seeming to be made of silver, her gloves are black and are cut off at the finger, her black pants too resembles medieval versions of the current day pants. The boots she wears have no tie, but instead have straps on both of them to tie them down, with folds on the top of the boot, that split on the right and left side, and are just made of black leather.
Without her mask, her facial features are serious and show a dry sense of humor. Her hair is slightly curly and is golden brown, her eye is cadmium yellow. She has a small and faint scar on her left eye area, that is barely visible. She is well-muscled, but not overly buffed, and is flat-chested.
Silena is a strongly willed, enigmatic, and constantly serious woman, who is determined to protect the Aus and those who do not deserve to suffer. She admires historical figures with a strong passion, and try's to mirror herself as a sign of hope and justice to have others who are in fear to increase their hope. Due to her traumatizing past, she dislikes suffering and any type of deaths, even the ones that are "honorable." Her lack of humor, yet independence, and seriousness comes from her cruel past, and believes that there's no place anywhere, or anyone that can enlighten her. She does care for her allies deeply and will blame herself if one was to die, especially if that one had a family. She has this habit of accidentally breaking things, while practicing with her sword, which has gotten her in trouble relatively a lot, though she try's not to break anything while training as best as she could, but always ends up breaking something eventually, and does get frustration every time she breaks something, but never shows her frustration.
She has numerous streaks of paranoia, her paranoia going so far to even interrogate others mercilessly, as a result of her troubled childhood, constantly being unable to trust others, and will get highly insulted when someone has used her sword without her permission, regardless, if they did ask, she would refuse to give over her sword, with high indignity.
(Note: Silena had nobody to teach her how to use magic, or trust anybody to do so, as such, she taught herself on how to use magic.)
- Radiant Slash: This attack can only be used when she has her sword, as her sword can admit light so powerful, that anything caught by the slash will also be severely burnt, but she can also shoot out a voltage of pure light from out her sword.
- Radiant Feathers: She can manifest feather shapes lights, that can cause terrible burns if was to make physical contact with whoever. She can summon as much as she wants.
- Cosmic Slash: If the opponent is too far for close combat, she can cause a rip in space to occur, making a seemingly harmless slash to occur, and all those who don't move out of the way once the slashing motion is finished will be strike down with a white beam of unknown substance. All those who's Hp is below 30,000 will die in one shot. Silena can use this ability with or without her sword.
- Reality Slash: This attack not only harms the victim, but it also damages the reality that keeps them stable or alive. This slash can split the battle box in half, into as many pieces Silena wants.
- Time Manipulation: Silena has a relatively good amount of control over time, being able to freeze it, reverse it, or speed it up, each having their unique properties.
- Reversing time makes it so that any wound conflicted on her disappear on her only, she can reverse time as long as she wishes.
- Freezing time stops all movement, but her own, and the time of how long she can keep it frozen is 10 minutes.
- Fast forwarding time makes it so that becomes immune to all forms of harms, physically or mentally, unfortunately, when dong so, she can't harm anyone or thing, but can move objects, but not living objects.
- Space Manipulation: She has quite a lot of control over space, being able to shorten or lengthen the space between and whatever, but she do so much more then that. The full limitation she has over space is unknown.
- Reality Manipulation: She has little control over reality, only being able to materialize object no larger then 5 feet tall and wide, but is able to delete living or object if the coding are not strong or not too stable. She can create portal to alternative universe with this ability.
- Light Manipulation: Silena has a large degree of control over light, being able to densen it, so that it can puncture reinforced steel, as if it was warm butter against a knife burning as the same heat as the core of a neutron star. She can also use it to redirect attacks that admit light, and only attacks that admit light.
- Magic Resistance: Silena has resistance to magic, but isn't immune to it, but only takes 75% of the magic attack damage, instead of all of it.
- Mental Immunity: She has immunity to any non-physical moves.
- Fate: is a sword 4 feet long and is made of unknown materials, that seem to be unbreakable, with very dangerous properties and minor properties, and gives the use a additional attack boost of 9,900.
- The sword does 2 times more damage against a monster, demigod, or god.
- The sword for every slash landed or missed, will increase in power by 10 times, starting with the damage out put of 99, and then 990, then 9,900, and so on.
- The sword will appear back into Silena's sheath or hand if was to be unarmed, and will appear within around 1 to 3 seconds, but will appear instantly if the Silena is in dear need of it.
- The sword can not be broken, in anyway.
- If the sword hits a save point, that save point would be adsorbed into the sword, and be used to empower Silena or increase the sword's damage.
- The sword can absorb any form of energy or magic. The limit of how much it can handle or contain is unknown.
- Armor: The armor is made of the same material as Fate, making it impossible to break, but has no other property then that.
Physical Enhancements[]
- Enhanced-Agility: Silena is capable of moving at speeds far greater then what a human can handle, capable of moving that of light, and even faster. Her full potential of how fast she can move isn't known.
- Enhanced-Strength: She is capable of lift or carrying objects that weigh far too much for any known machine to even lift, and has been capable of striking through very hard objects like ripping through wet paper.
- Enhanced-Senses: Even if in a completely dark area, she has proven to have dark-vision equal to the human eye view during the day. She can hear things that most other can't hear, if in light, her eye sight is so sharp that she can spot objects that are miles away from her, she seems to also be capable of sensing when other presence are near.
- Enhanced-Durability: She has survived explosion equal to the most powerful nuke known, survived skills that should have been able to destroy entire planets, and has survived abilities that can crush people to nothingness, and came out perfectly fine. The max limit of how much she can endure is unknown, but must be tremendously high.
- Enhanced-Stamina: She obviously has enhanced-stamina, capable of fighting for years with no breaks. The limit of her stamina has never been found or reached.
- Enhanced-Intelligence: She is far more smarter then average human, being able to solve very complex questions in just seconds with no difficulty at all.
- Swordplay: Her skill with a sword is so superior, that she is able to fight Gods or Goddesses, with nothing more but her sword, though can't kill a God or Goddess, due to their immortality.
- Intimidation: She merely glaring at whoever can cause fear to be awoken, and is very good at making others back down by her mere intimidation, and has made some pretty strong beings kneel down before her out of fear.
- Manipulation: Silena is extremely good at manipulating others with her words, being very persuasive and serious when trying to manipulate others and usually succeed in doing so.
- Arachnophobia: This isn't really a fatal weakness or flaw, she just doesn't like the creepy crawlers, and will hesitate just a little if needed to go through an area filled with spiders, but will not panic, and just shows a mild annoyance, this goes for spider monsters too.
- Lack of Trust: Even with her so called friends, she doesn't trust them fully, only having a quarter of her full trust, this is due to her terrible early life.
- Paranoia: Silena will at times start to get paranoid that someone is planning against her, leading to her lashing out randomly, or getting hostile too.
Ink!Sans(supposed friend/ally)[]
Main Article: Ink!Sans
Silena met Ink!Sans when she accidentally made a portal leading to the Doodle Sphere, where she stayed for sometime, checking out the Au papers, being highly interested in them, and by the time Ink came back, Silena has already read hundreds of Au papers, after some talking, mostly Ink trying to find Silena motives, to only get confused by her complex words, but eventually found out she was just interested in his work or creations, so he became "friends" with her, though he never invites her to the Doodle Sphere, of course though she goes to the Doodle Sphere without his permission, regardless.
The Mysterious Knight(husband?/sibling?/rival?)[]
The Masked Heroine and The Mysterious Knight have a complex relationship, as it is unsure if they are a couple, brother and sister, or just rivals, as they have shown some concern over each other, yet they can show bitterness towards one another, usually getting into a swords duel, but always spare each other life at the end, and they have had sometime where they didn't fight, at times they might even just talk, it's almost peaceful when they do.
Dream(supposed friend/ally)[]
Silena finds Dreams attentions to be truly heroic, and my at times help him, but rarely does so, and most of the times just goes on her own, and Dream does try's to enlighten her mood, except it doesn't seem to help at all, in fact, it seems to make her less content to talk.
Underswap!Sans(supposed friend/ally)[]
Silena thinks Underswap!Sans is too energetic, but doesn't find him really that annoying like some might, though see acts a little edgy when she's around him, as if he reminds her of something. She doesn't find his jokes funny at all.
Classic!Sans(supposed friend/ally)[]
She doesn't find any of Classic's jokes to be funny, but does get them, but just doesn't have that great of a sense of humor, but she does like Classic, as a friend only and no more then that, though she commonly never visits him at all.
Main Article: CORE!Frisk
She finds Core to be enigmatic and puzzling, but never attempt to ask them questions about their past. This is partly because she is slightly creeped out by their appearance (namely their unblinking Void Eyes). She usually avoid them most of the time.
Main Article: Error!Sans
Silena doesn't like Error at all, and does all she can to prevent him from destroying Aus or anyone, as such, they have a burning hate towards one another, and will always engage in a fight when put together.
- Silena and Lucifer(The Mysterious Knight) have some sort of connection with one another.
- Silena has a minor case of Arachnophobia.
- She write in cursive and can speak practically every single human language to exist or did exist.
- The creator of The Masked Heroine is beyond terrible at drawing humans, so he won't be attempting to draw a picture of Silena(Unless someone else does it or volunteers to do it.)
- Silena's birthday is on June 28, the year of her birth is unknown.
- Her favorite color is YInMn blue.
- Silena is probably not fully human, due to her endurance, speed, strength, and many other reasons.
- Silena does have some cases of depression, though it minor.
- Silena is really really, lots of really, picky eater.