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Undertale OC Wiki
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Asgore Dreemurr
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Viral!Sans (formerly Virus404) is an antagonistic out!code created by DARTHOOM. After learning about the potential threats to his existence, Infinitey Code used his Omnipotent powers to create a being to counter them. Using Sans’ popularity as a basis, Viral!Sans is the enforcer of Infinitey’s vengeful will. He’s currently serves as the second in command.


Viral!Sans was one of the Infinitey code's proudest designs. When the Infinitey code saw Sans’ popularity lead to the creation of powerful “Gods” (like Ink and Error), he decides to create his own “Sans” to as a counter to those beings. He achieve this through copying the codes of the most powerful Sanes and using  some virus-infected files from the base codes of the Multiverse along with some hidden, unknown things.

Once Infinitey Code had all he needed he realized that something with such major coding as his future creation would cause the whole multiverse to crash.

He was unsure how to proceed until he realized he could put the creation in the non code-based dimension Dead!tales (a place of in-work OCs, AUs, and forgotten or discarded creations) without negative repercussions. He brought his creation to life in the world Fallout!tale.

Realizing this place would be unaffected by such a birth of creation (based on some of the other OP creations within this realm) he finally brought him into existence in a world known as Fallout!tale.

After he was finally conceived, he woke up in an abandoned wasteland were he was confused by where he was and what he was, Infinitey code created a mirage of himself through the AU’s weak barrier to communicate with Viral!Sans and introduced him as his maker. He then proceeded to reveal to him what he was, Viral!Sans then asked what he should do and Infinitey Code told him “Whatever you desire, my creation, as long as you do what I Need you to do and obey my orders and no others.” then Infinitey code connected a mental connection to Viral!Sans in order to communicate when he needed to and left him.

Viral!Sans began to use the knowledge of the Judgemental Comedians of the Multiverse, and learn how to use their abilities. He started to roam the far edges of the multiverse where powerful beings like Ink and Error did not pay attention too. Then he proceeded to test his power and abilities along with finding out personality traits and soon found out how powerful and destructive he was and through this, Viral!Sans found out he enjoyed killing, destruction, complete panic, and gruesome sadistic genocides

After awhile of traveling his very abilities and powers drove him to complete Madness due to his unstable existence as a virus, along with the fact he kept consuming the whole lives and personas of people.  Overtime Viral!Sans learned to become secretive by becoming completely other people, allowing him to go unnoticed to a variety of potent beings and did so for almost everywhere he went too, and for some reason he enjoyed doing this and loved to live out in other lives because he wanted to have a sense of belonging, a place to basically call home, unfortunately, Viral!Sans could never completely fill in that gap and desire and sadly each time Viral!Sans tried to take an AU as his own, he accidentally destroys them because they cannot handle his existence.

While Viral!Sans was traveling the multiverse he came across rescue!tale, while in Rescue!tale he became typical Froggit and started to do what he usually does until he overheard an interesting conversation. It was there that he learn that there’s far more powerful Sanes across the multiverse, and from this he concluded that the purpose of his existence was to study them for a way to exterminate the threat of his master’s existence. He’s now spying on those Powerful Sanes, while recruiting the most hostile and powerful OCs to exterminate them.



Viral!Sans were often describe as a more grueling version of Error with some differences. Some of these characteristics include the Caution signs instead of errors, red zig-zagged lines at the bottom of his white Shorts, the jacket is zig-zagged at the bottom, the ring of fur around the neck part of the hood his an orangish-red with light blue zig-zags (that ripple and move almost like slow lightning when he moves), the large three towed feet that strangely appears almost like the ring of fur around his hood, and  three light cyan scars that run down on both eyes. Viral!Sans also has a different mouth, this mouth is almost relatable to a fanged jack-o-lantern mouth.


Viral!Sans is Erratic and obsessive in situations, he often tears at people in combat almost like a wild rabid animal but yet is calculative for while he is animal-like in battle he always attempts to find openings in defense and searches for a weakness. Viral!Sans leaves destruction and chaos where he goes but is careful not to reveal himself yet to the multiverse. When in conversation he usually rambles and laughs hysterically for Viral!Sans is emotionally unstable and extremely bipolar. He is also lonely.


  • Code Obliteration:  Viral!Sans can obliterate the very code of anything or anyone he desires. Allowing the complete instantaneous destruction of universes, the complete eradication of people and gods, the ability to annihilate any attack, and can counter Code Manipulation. This only effects on Code based entities.
  • AU Code Corruption:  Viral!Sans can alter and change the base codes of an AU, meaning he can prevent respawning, certain events and backstories from happening, tamper with damages from attacks by beings relative to the AU, mess with the very fabric of magic in the AU, alter the setting and mood in the AU, Cause the laws of physics to be nonexistent within the AU, prevent SAVE,LOAD, and RESETS from being used, and even tamper with gravity in the AU.
  • Apocalyptic Force Manipulation:  This ability is not code-based, but it is strangely considered an ability that is non-code based. Viral!Sans primarily uses this to cause the very scales and the balance of a universe to go completely ballistic or attempt to annihilate creatures who have no code. Viral!Sans can control the end forces of existence and the ending of the AU’s universal lifecycle (meaning once the world is destroyed all the parallel versions of that world cannot spawn new ones) he can choose to use Antimatter manipulation, Anti-Energy manipulation, Chaos manipulation, Corrupted Environment manipulation, Dark Matter manipulation, Corruption manipulation, Dark energy manipulation, Apocalypse manipulation, Event manipulation, and Demonic Energy Manipulation
  • Infinitey Blades:  This ability was created by the Infinitey Code himself. This ability allows Viral!Sans to unleash any number of tentacle-like binary blades from his upper back, these blades can move with infinite speed, powerful unreal strength and cut through basically everything because the blades were designed with the very strings of multiversal code. These blades can grow to any size in any amount of time with no limit to distance allowing Viral!Sans to cut entire planets in half or pieces in seconds. These blades can cut away attacks directed him or any person he chooses with infinite speed and can go so fast it has the appearance of teleportation. This ability, however, causes Viral!Sans to suffer damage while in use and he cannot use his Apocalyptic Force Manipulation or his corrupting touch,
  • Code Degenerating Touch/ Corrupting Touch/ Infecting Touch:  This ability makes touching Viral!Sans very dangerous because it slowly (or quickly as in a few seconds if deliberate) corrodes away and corrupts the files of the things or people that touch him. (if they do not HAVE codes this attack is considered a molecular and atom degenerating touch)
  • Trojan Horse:  This power allows Viral!Sans to replicate, copy, and mimic the exact appearance of a person along with abilities that can only be used while being the person. When others look into Viral!Sans’s codes while he is using a trojan horse, it will make the HP, DEF, files and other information seem exactly like the individual along with their soul, it even mimics the body's natural responses and autonomy making him undefinable. However if the person Viral!Sans is trojan horsed as HP goes down to 0 Viral!Sans will revert to his original form, this ability is often used with mental manipulation by making memories (and usually killing them) of their feelings, past, personality and everything they knew and then combining it with trojan horse allowing Viral!Sans to be EXACTLY like the person is in every way.
  • Mental Manipulation:  Viral!Sans can Copy, take away, rearrange, or completely redesign the subject's memories, feelings, and past of the people he chooses. This ability is usually used with Trojan Horse after taking memories away and killing the subject.
  • Omni-Virus:  This Ability lets Viral!Sans infect things and people he touches with any form of virus he chooses allowing backdoors into blocked of AU’s, Rooting peoples base Files, infecting peoples codes using a virus called spider which is planted into AU’s and alerts Viral!Sans of a specific name, thing, or description is said in the AU.
  • Power Hijack:  This power allows Viral!Sans to hijack attacks by infecting their codes.
  • O.V.E.R.K.I.L.L Form:  This form was a desperation attack that, when at the last inch of his life, became powerful enough to destroy several AUs at once (if not the Whole Multiverse). He may die shortly after.
  • Backup Restoration:  If Viral!Sans Sans dies, he will automatically activate a backup file containing his necessary codes which Viral!Sans hid in the multiverse. The File reactivates his conscious and feeds of the codes and of the AU allowing it to rebuild himself while creating a mirage and fake front for the coding of the universe to make it seem the universe while being fed on is completely normal. This process takes 5 days to fully complete and after the process, Viral!Sans is fully restored and the mirage and fake front are terminated, showing a black void where an AU was once.
  • Magic immunity:  Viral!Sans is not affected by any form of magic (included being healed or boosted by magic). This is because Viral!Sans is beyond magic, meaning magic is simply considered irrelevant to Viral!Sans
  • Deus Ex Machina:  Viral!Sans can enlist Infinitey Code’s Omnipotence to get himself out of any situations, no matter hire dire they are.
  • Instant Kill Safeguard:  This ability prevents any "one hits" or "instant kills" from being done on Viral!Sans. it does not mean Viral!Sans is completely insured against powerful attacks, but it means that if an attack is "instant overwhelming kill" the attack instead of killing him outright teleports him at a safe distance and allows himself to regenerate
  • Unauthorized Administrator:  This ability allows Viral!Sans to check (and control) AU’s. He can use this ability to check the AU’s stats (like its past, current events, people present in the world, along with minor things) to make sure it has no unwanted company from certain people. Viral!Sans also can use this to check out past visitors and see if significant battles are currently active. Viral!Sans is also able to prevent access and kick out minor beings from the AU he is on (who are not deity rank), this lasts for as long Viral!Sans wishes, or if Viral!Sans leaves the AU
  • Coded Hive Mind:  Viral!Sans can "code in" a form of root virus through individuals, this ability is usually used on minor characters, But when this root is established Viral!Sans can take control of the individual (or Individuals) wherever he might be. This allows him to be in many universes at once using other people, the rooted beings are COMPLETELY under his control and mindset, Viral!Sans can speak through them, act like them, and BE them. He, however, cannot use his abilities through these creatures but can use the abilities of the creature instead. Viral!Sans can be thousands of individuals at once and act out as each individual perfectly while using them as a source of a network for information. when Viral!Sans decides to "let them go" this never gives back the individual who they were, but instead allows them to perform actions and say what they normally would say (they act almost Zombie-like) but they are all Viral!Sans himself. They, however, are also just extensions of himself. if someone attempts to disrupt the hive mind or use it to assault Viral!Sans mentally it will fail. This is because of the massive scale of this ability and it also provides the same Limitless mental fortitude and coding for Viral!Sans's mind. It is possible to figure out if someone is part of the hive mind by attempting to mentally assault them, for they will find a Mental wall of God-like proportions enabling them to witness a potential member of the hive mind. The extent of how powerful the beings the Hive Mind can affect is unknown.
  • Anti Creation Zone:  Viral!Sans can prevent beings like Ink, Creation!Chara, and other beings similar who can create things from being able to create them. He can snuff out and completely block ANY attempts at creating things and instantly banish any nonliving object they have already created (Code Obliteration is a little more useful than this ability, but of course this is different, for it is not code related).
  • Unlimited Multiversal Access:  Viral!Sans can travel and form glitchy gateways to ANYWHERE in the multiverse (and on special and rare occasions out of the multiverse to places like, for Ex, the Marvel Multiverse). He can enter places that are normally unable to be accessed and even enter and infect Firewalls and Anti-virus domains. Once Viral!Sans creates a gateway only him can step through (unless Viral!Sans wishes to bring something or someone along with him) Viral!Sans can sometimes create an unstable gateway to the Infinitey Codes domain, which, of course, the Infinitey Code cannot pass through but Viral!Sans can drag/carry/push others into the gateway to the Infinitey Code, where the Infinitey Code will then proceed to do as he likes to the individual (this is utterly horrifying for beings being forced in) Viral!Sans usually visits the Infinitey Code for instructions and the like.
  • Ultimate Self Control:  Viral!Sans can perfectly manipulate how much pain he feels (Error404 deals pain normally), the loudness of his voice, the distance of his voice, his subconscious, what emotions he feels, what emotions he can or cannot feel, and even control his Size (for example: Viral!Sans could if he wanted to grow to the size of a planet).
  • Ultimate Adaptation:  This Ability allows Viral!Sans to adapt to situations and attacks when he is harmed or hurt. Similar to Doomsday, the more you keep using the same abilities and energies on him the more he Adapts and Evolves from those attacks. For example, you unleash a solar flare that hits him a full blow and the solar flare hurts him at first, but then he Adapts to it. Then when a solar flare is shot at him AGAIN he is barely hurt, and again he is completely immune. Basically the more you use to fight with the same attack more than once, also if something is restraining him (as long as his touch ability does not break him out) he will adapt and be able to break out of what's restraining him. Basically the more you fight him with the same power he will grow stronger.
  • Omni-Stat Manipulation:  Viral!Sans may choose to alter Stats like LV, HP, DEF, ATK, ACT, EXP, Gold Upon Death, and Battle effects such as Damage, the battle screen, Background of the battle screen, the Environment of battle, and other things in any way he likes. He may choose to alter how much HP a person has, Control their Defense, Control their ACT options in battle, decide how much damage (if any) an attack does, decide how much EXP or Gold to give, Manipulate the Battle screen, and alter the course of the battle, and even more. The only Limit to this is Attacks, health points, defense, and damage with the “limitless” descriptor cannot be altered.
  • Terminal Virus Bones:  Viral!Sans can use a dangerous bone attack. When Viral!Sans unleashes these bones, each appears to be colorful and glitched multicode 3 foot long bones, and each travel in a matter of zeptoseconds (a zeptosecond is a unit of time equal to 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 001 seconds and considered the smallest measurement of time) that is considered so fast that reality and existence does not even register its presence. Each bone individually does an overwhelming 5,000,000 points of damage and also if hit by two or more of these bones the target(s) codes and base files immediately are attacked by super viruses which threaten to consume Memories, History, their existence, Stats, and the very memory of them.
  • Anti-Anti Virus Bones:  Viral!Sans can unleash the 2nd type of bone attack, these bones are red and disoriented and 6 inches long. These bones travel at a speed of 23 milliseconds and hit when they are at least in a 16-inch radius of someone. If the target is an Anti Virus it’s instant death, if the target is not an Anti Virus it instead deals 10 damage and leaves them confused
  • Absolute Telekinesis:  Viral!Sans can use telekinesis on an Absolute level and Absolute scale. This allows him to reshape and manipulate Molecules, Atoms, Subatomic particles, and more. Viral!Sans can also rearrange and create different functions for matter and alter the very nature of elements and create new functions for them as well. This ability cannot be used with the Infinitey Blades or his other attacks
  • M.E.R.C.Y Blaster:  The Mercy Blaster (Malgamation Entity Rearranger Creation Yielder) is a sinister gaster blaster that appears to be a normal white gaster blaster with no eyes (until it starts to fire). Viral!Sans can summon only one, for using multiple gains no additional benefits. Once the blaster is summoned Viral!Sans can “blast” it but unlike other blasters a beam does not come out, but instead, a high pitched electronic supersonic scream that echoes across the AU is instead applied. Any creature who hears this scream immediately becomes a special type of creature called an amalgamate and creatures who are in the direct line of the supersonic scream turns to dust. As a Malgamite they become deranged, insane, twisted physically and mentally, disoriented, and turned inside out permanently as their memories, hearing, sight, feeling, taste, physical body, soul(s), abilities, powers, emotions, and every other characteristic becomes twisted and corrupted resulting in an Aberration and Abomination type of creature. They appear to be like amalgamations drained of all color.
  • R.I.P Virus Blasters:  These blasters, when fired, cause space and time to rupture as the overwhelming mass of viruses rip into reality. When the beam slowly shoots (seeming to pause and move and pause) the whole universe or dimension will lag and glitch, resulting in giving things a pixel-like form, crashing lesser beings, and overloading the AU and potentially resulting in destruction as it crashes (if it crashes the blaster must be resummoned), but that’s only 1 out of 4 stages, the 2nd stage of this blast is when it’s traveling through the air, it will speed up to mere milliseconds instantly and will infect anything still alive in AU with corrupted codes and all kinds of glitches to form in them. The 3rd stage of the blast is when it hits its target(s), for they suffer 999,999,999,999 points of damage and is erased of ALL knowledge even if they survive. The 4th stage occurs immediately right after the being(s) are hit, in this stage the place where the blasters' hit unleashes a raw concentration of gamma-rays in the form of a hypernova that erupts and vaporizes anything that’s left of the destruction.  Attempts to hijack this attack (IF Viral!Sans lets them) results in instant obliteration (as Code Obliteration).
  • Fangs Of The Absolute End:  When Viral!Sans successfully sinks his fangs into someone for more than 2 seconds, it causes a rift to form in the Multiversal Storyline and an anomaly to form in all timelines. The victim of the bite comes to an End, their very future and destiny all alter to were at the point Viral!Sans sinks his fangs into them, they die. It also affects their very backstories, existence, and if the character has not done something in their wiki (or any other form of the character's info) it is forcefully deleted and considered pointless and unfulfilled. The bite puts an End to the Character's Story and gives no chance of coming back to life, reincarnating, resurrecting, restoring, or even clones of themselves.
  • Omega Nonexistence:  This ability is the ultimate version of Nonexistence and greater than Perfect Nonexistence.  When Viral!Sans chooses to use this ability he may choose to make an AU (any universe can be applied), OC, Character,  Attack, and energy Nonexistent, causing the very memory of the Nonexistent thing to be completely erased and obliterated, the Multiversal Timeline to alter to where the character never even existed and “fill in” the gaps in the timeline (meaning if someone was eradicated the timeline will make things happen in place of them that will prevent the present from changing too much), and makes the character unable to be brought back, however, there is a 25% chance reincarnation or clone can still activate, although the individual will remember situations that involved him that technically didn’t happen. Creatures with Anti-Nonexistence are not affected
  • Disrupting Scream:  Viral!Sans can unleash an electronic scream that will disrupt ANY form of concentration, Psychic Powers (including telekinesis), Meta Powers, a variety of Manipulation abilities (not all), and interrupt thoughts. This ability can only be used while Viral!Sans is not using his blades or most of his other attacks and abilities.
  • Pixel Manipulation:  This ability can only be used when in pixel battles or where pixels are present. Viral!Sans can manipulate pixels in battle allowing him to recreate, rearrange, and tear apart attacks, pixels of people, energy blasts, along with ANYTHING else pixel related, including himself. This ability can be quite powerful.
  • Invulnerability:  Viral!Sans is extremely durable and resilient in combat, for physical attacks is one of Viral!Sanss home turfs. This ability makes Viral!Sans hard to physically injure and his Endurance is boundless. While using Deus Ex Machina, Viral!Sans is near unbeatable physically by any other beings.
  • Maddening Presence:  Viral!Sanss is so powerful and unstable it affects other creatures. Beings who are not some form of divinity who approach Viral!Sans usually go insane as the overwhelming raw power overtakes their minds.


Infintey Code

Main article: Infinitey CodeHis creator and Master. He's loyal to the multiversal enemy to the very end.


  • Viral!Sans was initially based off of Error404 of AlphaTale, which were the most powerful Sans in the fandom at the time. However, due to spread of misinformation regarding said AU, all references to said character has been expunged.
  • Viral!Sans is a clever hider. He can kill a loved one and use mental manipulation and trojan horses and live as for them completely fooling family, friends, and loved ones for as long as he desires.
  • Viral!Sans has no soul.
  • Viral!Sans is rarely ever seen.
  • Viral!Sans hates Inks and Inks drawings. So he allowed Infinitey to bridge dreams to Ink.
  • Viral!Sans loves memes.
  • Viral!Sans is the strongest member of the virus family.
  • Viral!Sans is so strong he can make another virus AU.
  • Viral!Sans is a god of viruses and apocalypse in all of the Multiverse.
  • Viral!Sans can beat all of the deities with little to no difficulty and could probably take on half of the Multiverse.
  • Viral!Sans can prevent teleportation and gateways from forming, allowing him to warp teleportation to where he chooses
  • Viral!Sans can kill someone with a touch (established in his touch attack).
  • Viral!Sans has unlimited HP and DEF, for his stats have no concept of such things.
  • Viral!Sans loves to corrupt things.
  • Viral!Sans hangs around Sans 666.exe.
  • Viral!Sans is the father of all viruses.
  • Viral!Sans is allied with Mix!sans/Infected
  • O.V.E.R.K.I.L.L  will be involved in the Multiversal battle to release the Infinitey code.
  • Viral!Sans is 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 times stronger than other viruses.
  • Viral!Sans has no AU to call his own, so he usually wanders as different people.
  • Viral!Sans once destroyed an AU just by speaking, he overloaded the AU with his text speech
  • Viral!Sans loves plays and watching actors
  • Viral!Sans can go through objects.
  • Viral!Sans hates Errors and is half and half when it comes to Virus!Error!Sans.
  • Viral!Sans is Wild and aggressive, he likes to toy with others before killing them, after all, killing someone right off the bat is SO boring, and Viral!Sans wants some spice to his encounters
  • Viral!Sans is looking for the astral mother, the Infinitey Code ordered him to find her because she is the "barrier" between the Infinitey Code and the Multiverse (the reason why Astral's mother is the “barrier” is unknown)
  • Viral!Sans LOVES pranks, even if they are childish Viral!Sans does not care (which the pranks usually involve death to the victim in what Viral!Sans deems a funny or ironic way to die)
  • Viral!Sans Found (Glitchtale) Alloy once long ago, he then proceeded to offer her excitement in joining him and the Infinitey Codes Order.
  • Viral!Sans cannot be paralyzed, Immobilized, Unconscious, or be restrained in any way, this is because of his Dues Ex Machina, and his ability to "slip through" objects.
  • Viral!Sans strongly desires a life
  • Viral!Sans hates people who are not code-based. And tends to avoid such beings for they are immune to a lot of his abilities (except for Apocalyptic Force Manipulation, code degenerating touch, and Infinitey blades )
  • Viral!Sans loves to collect Souls
  • Viral!Sans can think of multiple things at once
  • Viral!Sans is trying to play keep-away with Omnipotent Sanes.
  • Viral!Sans is the Most powerful Virus that can exist
  • Viral!Sans loves to watch people suffer
  • Viral!Sans is sometimes occupied by RootVirus!Flow3y
  • Viral!Sans loves to drink a blend of Ketchup, Mustard, Relish, and Barbecue sauce
  • Viral!Sans Hates visiting Multiverses that are not code-based. He gets extremely nervous around such areas in the omniverse (if he gets the rare chance to travel to others....)
  • Viral!Sans could if he wished redesign everyone's mind on an AU and make it where everyone could think that Viral!Sans was their ruler, create completely new stories if the cover is ever blown just recreate everybody to where it never happened, and so on
  • Viral!Sans hates Multiverse Root Flowey